Monday 8 May 2017

April Holiday Blogging Challenge

In the Holidays we ran our own Team 4 blogging challenge. Lots of us participated, and blogged about different things that we got up to. Some of us chose to complete the challenges that Mr Goodwin created to help us. Each of these challenges had some kind of reading activity, as well as a task to complete, and share on our blog.

Here are the 5 winners from across all of Team 4. The prizes were given for:

- The most posts
- Audience appeal
- Quality of posts
- Creativity
- Best Commenting

The Top 10 bloggers had a combined total number of blog posts of 208. That means most of us were posting more than twice a day!

We can't wait for the Woolf Fisher Winter Learning Journey next holidays!


  1. Well done guys!
    You must have a very exciting holiday!

  2. Wow! I love to read that you were so actively blogging in April. I hope that we're able to keep it up this holiday and post, at least, 208 more blogs! Let's go Team 4!

    Cheers, Rachel :)


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